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Friesel, Evyatar - Emeritus Curriculum vitae and publications Born in Germany, 1930. In Israel since 1953. Member of Kibbutz Bror Hail, 1953-1956. Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem from 1956 to 1970, with specialization in the modern Jewish history. Ph.D. - 1970.
Academic degrees: Instructor, 1965-70; lecturer, 1970-72; senior lecturer, 1972-1980; associate professor, 1980-87; Professor of Jewish History, 1987. 1993-2001 - State Archivist of Israel.
Fields of research: Ideological trends in modern Jewry; American Jewish history; German Jewish history; history of Jewish nationalism and Zionism; demographic trends; contemporary European history; contemporary Judeophobia. Academic positions: 1965-1977 - Dept. of Jewish History, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva. 1969 - Dept. of Jewish History, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 2004 - Dept. of History, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany Visiting professorships: Universidade de São Paulo (1974); Ohio State University (1975/76); Center for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies, Oxford (1984/85); University of Cape Town (1988); Hochschule für jüdische Studien, Universität Heidelberg (1989/90); Universität Leipzig (1994/95); Humboldt Universität, Berlin (1995); Universität Erfurt (2000).PUBLICATIONS (in English, if not otherwise stated) BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHIES: The Days and the Seasons - Memoirs, Detroit, Ill., Wayne State University Press, 1996. German edition: Balade des äusseren Lebens. Memoiren. Leipzig, Leipziger Universitäts-Verlag, 1997. The Zionist Movement in the United States, 1987-1914, Tel Aviv, University of Tel Aviv - Kibbutz Hameuhad Publishing House, 1970, 320 p. (in Hebrew). Zionist Policy After the Balfour Declaration, 1917-1922, Tel Aviv, University of Tel Aviv, Kibbutz Hameuhad Publishing House, 1977, 485p. (in Hebrew) The Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann, vol. I (1885-1902), London, Oxford University Press, l968, 447pp. (member of the research and editing staff). Idem, Hebrew edition, Jerusalem, Mossad Bialik, 1969. The Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann, vol. II (1902-1903), London, Oxford University Press, 1970, 500p (member of research and editing staff). Idem, Hebrew edition, Jerusalem, Mossad Bialik, l970. Editor: Julius Simon: Certain Days - Zionist Memoirs and Selected Papers. Jerusalem, Israel Universities Press, 1971, 385 p. Co-editor, with G. Yoguev and Sh. Kolat: The Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann, vol. VI (1913-1914). Jerusalem, Israel Universities Press, l974, 450 p. Editor: the Hebrew edition of The Times Atlas of World History, by G. Barraclough, part III (modern period). Jerusalem, Carta Publications, 1979. Atlas of Modern Jewish History. New York-London, Oxford University Press, Jerusalem, Carta Publications, 1990. Idem, Hebrew edition. Jerusalem, Carta Publishing House, 1983. The Evolution of the Jewish Civil-Rights Organizations in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Cincinnati, American Jewish Archives, 1993. Editor, with Monika Schwarz-Friesel and Jehuda Reinharz: Aktueller Antisemitismus in Deutschland - ein Phänomen der Mitte. New York/Berlin: deGruyter Verlag, 2010.
ARTICLES: Collaborator: Encyclopaedia Judaica, Jerusalem, Keter Publishing House, 1971. "Baron Edmond de Rothschild and the Zionists, 1918-1919," Zion (Jerusalem), vol. XXXVIII (1974), pp. 116-136 (in Hebrew). "The Order Knights of Zion of Chicago and its Relations with the Federation of American Zionists, 1897-1916," Studies in Zionism (Tel Aviv), vol. 1 (1975), pp. 9-48. Hebrew version: Hatsionut (Tel Aviv) vol. 1 (1970). "The Zionists at the Peace Conference of Paris in 1919," Proceedings of the V. World Congress of Jewish Studies, vol. II, Jerusalem 1975, pp. 359-364 (in Hebrew). "The Parting of Ways between Brandeis and Weizmann at the London Zionist Conference in 1920," Hatsionut (Univ. Tel Aviv), vol. IV (1975), pp. 167-185 (in Hebrew). "Fundamentos Historicos do Estado de Israel," Revista de Historia (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil), vol. 102 (1975), pp. 597-508, (in Portuguese). "The Age of Optimism in American Jewry, l900-1921," A Bicentennial Festschrift in Honor of Jacob R. Marcus (ed. B. W. Korn), New York, Ktav Publishing House, 1976, pp. 131-155. "Weizmann and Weizmannism," Judaism (New York), vol. 26 (1977), pp. 73-83. "Contradictions in Weizmann's Leadership," in: Statesman in Times of Crisis. University of Tel Aviv & Kibbutz Hameuhad Publishing House, 1977, pp. 42-48. "The Jewish State and Jewish History: Contradiction or Continuation?" Judaism (New York), vol. 27 (1978), pp. 421-430. "Brandeis' Role in American Zionism Historically Reconsidered," American Jewish History, vol. LXIX (1979), pp. 34-59. "Criteria and Conception in the Historiography of German and of American Zionism," Studies in Zionism (Univ. Tel Aviv), vol. 2 (1980), pp.285-302. Reprinted: Jehuda Reinharz & Anita Shapira (eds.) Essential Papers on Zionism. New York-London, New York University Press, 1996, pp. 298-317. "The Jewish State and the Holocaust," Molad (Jerusalem), vol. 250 (1980), pp.21-32 (in Hebrew). English version: Wiener Library Bulletin (London), vol. XXXII (new series, 49/50) (1979), pp. 51-61. Revised English version, 1995: "The Holocaust: Factor in the Birth of Israel?" in: Yisrael Gutman (ed.), Major Changes Within the Jewish People in the Wake of the Holocaust (Jerusalem, Yad Vashem, 1996), pp. 519-544. Concise Hebrew version: Gutman, Yisrael (ed.) Major Changes Within the Jewish People in the Wake of the Holocaust (Hebrew edition), Jerusalem, Yad Vashem, 1996, p. 495-502. Concise German version: "Der Holocaust und die Entstehung Israels: Gab es einen Zusammenhang?" Universität Leipzig, Heft 4/95 (June 1995), pp. 9-13. Updated version: "On the myth of the connection between the Holocaust and the creation of Israel," Israel Affairs, vol. 14, No. 3, July 2008 - Special Issue: Israel At Sixty: Rethinking the Birth of a Jewish State (eds., Efraim Karsh & Rory Miller), pp. 446-466. "The Relations between Zionists and non-Zionists in Germany during the Weimar Republic," Proceedings of the VII World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem 1981, pp.179-184 (in Hebrew). "Zionism - A Revolution?," Z'manim- A Historical Quarterly (Univ. Tel Aviv), no. 13 (1983), pp.76-81 (in Hebrew). "Ahad-Haamism in American Zionist Thought," in: Ahad Haam: At the Crossroads (ed. J. Kornberg), Albany,N.Y. 1983, pp.133-141, 195-198 "Jacob H. Schiff becomes a Zionist: A chapter in American-Jewish self-definition (1907-1920)," Studies in Zionism, vol. 5 (1982), pp. 55-99. "Max Nordau,1914: An Evaluation of Herzl's Political Activity," Studies in Zionism, vol. 7 (1983), pp.65-70. Hebrew version: Hatsionut, vol. 8 (1982), pp. 426-433. "Herbert Samuel and Palestine: His 1921 Reassessment," Studies in Zionism vol. 5 (1984), pp. 213-237. "The Influence of American Zionism on the American Jewish Community, 1900-1950," with responses by Henry Feingold, Allon Gal and Melvin Urofsky, and answer to the responses, American Jewish History, issue no.2, vol. XXV, (1985), pp.129-183. "British Policy in Palestine: The Churchill Memorandum of 1922," in: Vision and Conflict in the Holy Land, (ed.: Richard I. Cohen), Jerusalem-New York 1985, pp.190-212. "The Ideological Development of the German-Jewish Centralverein before World War I," Yearbook of the Leo Baeck Institute, vol. XXXI (1986), pp. 121-146. "British Officials on the Situation in Palestine, 1923," Middle Eastern Studies (London), vol. 23 (April 1987), pp.194-210. "Zionism in Judah L. Magnes' Conception of Judaism," in: Like All the Nations? The Life and Legacy of Judah L. Magnes (eds., W.M. Brinner, M.Rischin), Albany, N.Y., SUNY Press, 1987, pp.69-81, 211-213. "Chaim Weizmann as Leader of the Zionist Movement," introduction to A Selection of Weizmann Letters Summer 1885- January 1950, Rehovot, Weizmann Memorial & Am Oved Publishers, Rehovot & Tel Aviv, l988, pp. 13-33 (Hebrew). "Through a Peculiar Lens: Zionism and the Situation in Palestine in British Diaries, 1927/1931," in: Transition and Change in Modern Jewish History- Essays Presented in Honor of Shmuel Ettinger, Jerusalem, The Historical Society of Israel and the Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, 1987, pp.225-246 (in Hebrew). English version: Middle Eastern Studies, vol. 29, no. 3 (1993), pp. 419-444. "New Zionism: Historical Roots and Present Meanings," Studies in Zionism, no.2, vol. 8 (1987), pp. 173-190. Hebrew version: Kivunim, vol. 37 (November 1987), pp.71-88. "American Zionist Leadership, 1900-1930," in: Z. Tsahor & I. Malhin (eds.) Leader and Leaderships, Jerusalem, Zalman Shazar Centre & the Historical Society of Israel, 1992, pp. 187-202 (in Hebrew). "The German-Jewish Centralverein in Historical Perspective" (with the participation of Ch. Schatzker and A. Margaliot), Yearbook of the Leo Baeck Institute, vol. XXXIII (1988), pp.97-111. "American Jewish Leadership in the 20th Century," American Jewish History, vol. LXXVII (December 1988), pp. 169-172. "Zionismus und der Staat Israel: Ideologische Grundlagen und Entwicklungen", in: 40 Jahre Staat Israel 1948-1988. Mainz-Hechsheim, 1988, pp. 15-27. "American Zionism and American Jewry: An Ideological and Communal Encounter," American Jewish Archives, vol. XL (1988), pp.5-23. "Histoire des institutions sociales juives a l'epoque moderne," in: S. Trigano (ed.), La Societé juive atravers les ages. Paris, Librairie Artheme Fayard, 1992. The Balfour Declaration in Historical Perspective. Cape Town, Kaplan Centre of the University of Cape Town, 1989. "David Vital's Work on Zionism," Studies in Zionism, vol. 9, no.2 (1988), pp.209-225. "American Jewry as Bearer of Contemporary Jewish Tasks: An Historical Interpretation," American Jewish History, LXXVIII, no. 4 (June 1989), pp.486-496. "The Centralverein and the American Jewish Committee: A Comparative Study," Yearbook of the Leo Baeck Institute, vol. XXXVIII (1991), pp. 97-125. "The Organizational Structure and Activities of the Zionist Congress and the Zionist Movement, 1897-1914," in Sh. Trigano (ed.), La Societe juive a travers les ages. Paris, Librairie Artheme Fayard, 1992. "The Meaning of Zionism and its Influence among the American Jewish Religious Movements," in: Shmuel Almog, Jehuda Reinharz & Anita Shapira (eds.), Zionism and Religion, Hannover NH, Brandeis University Press, 1998, pp.175-187. Hebrew version: in Tsionut Vedat, Jerusalem, Zalman Shazar Centre, 1994, pp. 207-221. "The `Americanization' of American Jewry: Old Concept, New Meaning?" American Jewish History, vol. 81 (1994), pp.321-330. "The Holocaust as Factor in Contemporary Jewish Identity," in Jonathan Webber (ed.) Jewish Identities in the New Europe, London, The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 1993, pp. 228-234. "Les Dernières Activités Sionistes de Max Nordau, in: Delphine Bechtel, Dominique Bourel & Jacques Le Rider (eds.), Max Nordau (1849-1923), Paris, Les Editions du Cerf, 1996, pp. 314-322. "The German-Jewish Encounter as Historical Problem: A Reconsideration." Leo Baeck Institute Year Book, XLI (1996), pp. 263-275. With Jehuda Reinharz: "The Zionist Leadership Between the Holocaust and the Creation of the State of Israel," in: Alvin H. Rosenfeld (ed.), Thinking about the Holocaust: After Half a Century. Bloomington/Indianopolis, Indiana University Press, 1997, pp. 83-116. "Jewish and German-Jewish Historical Views: Problems of a New Synthesis," Leo Baeck Institute Year Book, XLIII (1998), pp. 323-336. "Herbert Samuel and the Foundation of the Hebrew University in 1925," in: Shaul Katz and Michael Heyd (eds.) The History of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Origins and Beginnings , Jerusalem, Magnes Press, 1997, pp. 329-331 (Hebrew). "Israel as an Evolutionary Trend in Jewish History." Steven Bayme (ed.) Israel at Fifty: A Symposium. New York, American Jewish Committee, 1998. Pp. 27-32. "Israeli Society and the Zionist Idea: Change and Continuity" in: Iyunim b'Tkumat Israel (Beer Sheva), vol. 8 (1998), pp. 33-46 (Hebrew). "The Zionists and the British in Palestine: A Historical Perspective," in: Shlomo Aronson (ed.) New Records -New Perspectives (Beer Sheva 2002), pp. 143-145. "Richtungen jüdischer Studien an deutschen Universitäten," in: Zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik. Studien zur deutschen Universitätsgeschichte. Festschrift für Eike Wolgast zum 65. Geburtstag. Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2001. Pp. 231-237. "The 'Oesterreichisches Central-Organ,’ Vienna 1848: A Radical Jewish Periodical", Leo Baeck Institute Year Book, XLVII (2002), pp. 117-149. "Jacob H. Schiff and the leadership of the American Jewish community", Jewish Social Studies, vol. 8, no. 2-3 (2002), pp. 61-72. "It all depends on the point of view: David Ben-Gurion in the 1940's," The Journal of Israeli History, vol. 26, no.1, March 2007, pp. 97-107. In Hebrew: Israel Studies (Tel Aviv University), vol. 8 (2006), pp. 161-171. "Zur 'Janus-Lage’ des deutschen Judentums und seinem fehlenden Einfluss auf die innere Entwicklung Israels," in: Andrea Schwarz and Christian Wiese (eds.) Janusfiguren. 'Nationale Heimstaette', Exil und Nation im deutschen Zionismus. Berlin: Metropol, 2006, pp. 315-329. (in German) "From self-defense to self-affirmation: The transformation of the German-Jewish Central-Verein," Andrea Hoffmann et al. (editors), Die kulturelle Seite des Antisemitismus zwischen Aufklaerung und Shoah (Tuebingen, TVV Verlag, 2006) , pp. 277-290. "Zionism and Jewish nationalism: an inquiry into an ideological relationship," in: The Journal of Israeli History, vol. 25, no.2 (September 2006), pp. 285-312. "The 'return of the Jews to history': considerations about an ideological concept," in: Lauren B. Straus and Michael Brenner (eds.), Mediating Modernity. Essays in Honor of Michael A. Meyer (Detroit 2008), pp. 133-142. With Jehuda Reinharz: "Nahum Goldmann: Jewish and Zionist Statesman - an Overview," in: Mark A. Raider (ed.), Nahum Goldmann, Statesman without a State (New York, SUNY Press, 2009), pp. 3-59. "Towards partition: The Nahum Goldmann mission in Washington, August 1946," in: Mark A. Raider (ed.), Nahum Goldmann, Statesman without a State (New York, SUNY Press, 2009), pp. 169-203. "Juden gegen Israel: Aktuelle jüdische Judeophobie," in: Monika Schwarz-Friesel, Jehuda Reinharz & Evyatar Friesel (eds.): Aktueller Antisemitismus in Deutschland - ein Phänomen der Mitte (Munich: K.G. Saur Verlag, 2010) , pp. 163-185. (in German) "Abraham Geiger in 1848: his views on the revolution, and on German culture and the Jews" Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook, 56 (2011), pp. 1-11. With Monika Schwarz-Friesel: " 'Gestern die Juden, heute die Muslime' ? Von den Gefahren falscher Analogien," in: Islamophobie und Antisemitismus - ein umstrittener Vergleich (eds. Gideon Botsch et al.) De Gruyter, 2012, pp. 29-50.(in German) "Juden-Hass gestern und heute: Ein historischer Blick auf 130 Jahre judeophobische Feindseligkeit," in Meibauer, Jörg (ed.), Hassrede/Hate Speech - von der Sprache zur Politik. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge des gleichnamigen Workshops, Mainz 2010. Gießen: Gießener Elektronische Bibliotek (Reihe „Linguistische Untersuchungen"), 2012 -[http://geb.uni-giessen.de/geb/volltexte/2013/9251/pdf/HassredeMeibauer_2013.pdf] (in German) "On the Complexities of Modern Jewish Identity: Contemporary Jews against Israel" - Israel Affairs, vol. 17, no. 4, Oct. 2011, pp. 504-519. "The anti-Zionism of Brian Klug, Jaqueline Rose et al.: ignorance or ideology?" (Oct. 2013) - http://spme.org/spme-research/the-anti-zionism-of-brian-klug-jaqueline-rose-et-al-ignorance-or-ideology/15975/ "The 'Weizmann-Brandeis Controversy’ (1919-1921) historically considered ," in: Weizmann. The Leader of Zionism (eds.) Meir Chazan & Uri Cohen, (Jerusalem, The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History et .al., 2016) pp. 181-208. "The Zionist Leadership of Louis D. Brandeis" in: Chaeran Y. Freeze et al. (eds), The Individual in History. Essays in Honor of Jehuda Reinharz (Waltham, Mass., 2015), pp. 111-128. "Actual Judeophobia and its Carriers: Moslems, Leftists and anti-Israel Jews," - to be published in 2015. (in Hebrew). „Jüdische Akademiker gegen Israel" in: Monika Schwarz-Friesel (ed.), Gebildeter Antisemitismus. Eine Herausforderung für Politik und Zivilgesellschaft (Baden-Baden 2015), pp. 173-186. (in German) "Chaim Weizmann: Zwischen Ideologie und Politik", in: Samuel Salzborn (ed.), Zionismus. Theorien des jüdischen Staates (Baden-Baden 2015), pp. 137-153 (in German). "Israel: Was Zionismus wirklich war und ist," in: Audiatur on Line, 08. March 2016 - http://www.audiatur-online.ch/2016/03/08/israel-zionismus-wirklich-war-und-ist/ . (in German) "Anti-Zionismus und die Aporien des modernen jüdischen Denkens", Aschkenasim. Kulturpolitisches Magazin (Berlin), no. 5, 2016, pp. 4-8. "Professor Zuckermann’s Inverted Ideological Pyramids - On ideological views in contemporary Jewry," - to be published in 2017. Book Essays: Jehuda Reinharz, Chaim Weizmann- The Making of a Zionist Leader (New York/Oxford 1985), in: Studies in Zionism, vol.7 (1986), pp. 167-172. Shmuel Hugo Bergman, Tagebuecher & Briefe, 1901-1975, 2 vol., in: Studies in Contemporary Judaism (Jerusalem), vol. III (1988), pp. 314-317. Ben Halpern, A Clash of Heroes - Brandeis, Weizmann and American Zionism. (New York, Oxford University Press, 1987), Studies in Contemporary Judaism, vol. VI (1990), pp. 326-330. "Abba Hillel Silver and the American Zionist Emergency Council" - on Marc L. Raphael's Abba Hillel Silver. A Profile in American Judaism, (Holmes & Meier, New York-London, 1989), in: American Jewish Archives, vol. XLIII (Fall/Winter 1991), pp. 235-243. Between Idea and Reality: Shmuel Ettinger and the 'Jerusalem Historical School’ - on Yaakov Barnai’s Shmuel Ettinger: Historian, Teacher and Public Activist (Jerusalem, Zalman Shazar Center, 2011), in: Israel (Tel Aviv University), vol. 20, 2012, pp. 199-207. (in Hebrew) Karl Erich Grözinger, Jüdisches Denken. Theologie - Philosophie - Mystik . Band 4: Zionismus und Schoah (Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag 2015), in: Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, 68/2 (Brill 2016), S. 190-193. (in German). [March 2017] |